Saturday 26 February 2011

1st week of 3 in Ludlow already done

I won't bore you with too much text other that I am overindulging on food!

Many public paths pass through farming properties giving the public rights of way dating back many years.

The boys outside Ludlow Castles walls

 One of the many forest walks near home base.

This is to prove that the sun actually came out for a few moments - our home base

Entering Ludlow castle in the middle of town

Our street in our village(Caynham)...this is the owners wall of their home right up against the road.

View out of our side kitchen window

 Ludlow Castle through the thicket

 Narrow suburban streets in town

You simply have to look into windows to see what shops sell as its not obvious ....advertising is not around so shops look like homes. Here is a shop dedicated to cheeses!

Check out how narrow these streets are ....can you spot the van in the shadows?

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