Monday, 23 May 2011

Medievel Bavarian Walled City

 This place is an enormous walled city with a couple of entry tower gates perfectly preserved and functioning as a city. The rest of the city resides outside the walls as the town outgrew itself. Its part of the Romantic Road which is probably the best known and visited tourist attraction in Germany. Essentially there is an old trade route that joins a bevy of German towns in Bavaria that goes south past Munich and is characterized by medieval towns and castles. Pretty spectacular....and thankfully since its touristy....many speak English which helps!

 The town square - this is where the executions occurred in front of townsfolk!

 These are similar to the English tudor constructions and are of similar vintage but the German timber work is far more ornate.

 On the edge of town on a  hillside spur overlooking a valley once stood a castle which was ruined by an earthquake. The Emperors sons did not live long so there was no reason to repair the castle. These are the gates leading from the castle site back into the city. there was a defense structure for pouring boiling oil onto would-be intruders. It was interesting to read that these were dangerous times to live especially at night.

A small part of the castle ruins were restored into a chapel that is dedicated to the memory of the mass murder of  Jews who had established a learning centre and community here in 1241 AD. An impoverished nobleman who was unable to pay back a loan to Jewish people apparently started  rumours that led to their hatred. These feelings spread throughout many regoins of Germany and saw murders of tens of thousands of Jews. With Rothenburg's history, the Jewish community sought refuge in the castle but were attacked by a mob and burned alive. Inside the walls of the chapel are engraved stones with names....and beautiful artwork painted on the stone. Shocking stuff.

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