Sunday, 13 March 2011

Doc Martin country

Below is our hamlet centre screen. Click on it to enlarge. Over the hill behind us is Port Isaac (Doc Martin) and to the side of us is Port Quinn which we haven't looked at yet. But the sun is out and the T-shirts are on. The weather has been great.

This is the classic post card shot of Port Isaac just up the path from the Doc's surgery which has bollards connected by chain with a sign that reads Private Property!

This is an absolute magic place. Since we know it so well from the TV series there is a sense that we have already been here.

One of the many backstreet paths that has a house over the top. You start to wonder whether you are on private property but soon realise that you are not. We grabbed some takeawy from the bakery and I had a Cornish Pastry with blue vein cheese and I ate it for the cultural experience but I don't like blue vein, but I thought I'd give it another try.....never again ....we are  talking mind over matter attempts to swallow!. I'll try the vege Cornish Pie next time.

Can you spot the Doc's house as well as Bert's restuarant? The surgery is just above Bec's head to the right.

We came in by a side street from our hamlet and there was no turning back We only met one car on the way down. The track is the narrowest you can imagine and someone has to then back up when you meet an oncoming car. Below is another narrow path winding around homes in Port Isaac.

We drove the Toyota through this street....glad I did but I won't ever again.

Back home its intensely silent apart from the gulls crying overhead. Its truly a beautiful place. I'm looking forward to our treks along the coast. The scenery of the rolling hills stretching down to the cliffs and blue sea is amazing.

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