Saturday 7 May 2011

A brief flirt with Paris ....not Hilton!

Mum, Nat and Steph's time was coming to an end so a bit of Paris retail therapy was needed. We drove past Disneyland, which was a bit of an eye opener ....its essentially a suburb of hotels and 2 theme's enormous. Drove through Paris traffic....a bit like Melb. on steroids, but decided to stay out of the main tourist areas. We stayed 3 days. the shopping was remarkably cheaper than back home and the shopping centres were precincts. Their version of Coles (Carrefour) is so large that shop assistants move around on rollerblades. And the variety of foods is simply amazing.

As for the Eiffel Tower etc....we have left that for another day. Below is a tollway upon entering the outskirts of Paris. We counted nearly 40 lanes on the highway at this point...and that was not including both way traffic.

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